Polaris Is Trusted By Mobile Leaders Like


Below are a few of our client success stories that describe how you too

can leverage Polaris to improve your marketing effectiveness.

"It was difficult adjusting to the post-IDFA world. Last touch no longer served us as it did before and it took a lot of work to understand and optimize SKAN while being painfully aware of its blind spots. MMM-based incrementality was what we needed and Polaris quickly brought this to life with an innovative unified measurement approach like no other that we've seen. Finally, we had an established source of truth that could be shared across our teams!"

– Zehong Yin, Principal Growth Architect,

FunPlus Success Story

"iOS14 led to blind spots in our performance measurement. MetricWorks allows us to make apples-to-apples measurement between iOS and Android across all channels, without using device IDs or heavy migrations. The combination of MetricWorks incrementality data alongside last touch data gives us a unique window into performance."

– Cole Carnes, Senior Growth Marketing Manager,

Kabam Success Story

"Due to the ease of use, rapid setup and regular 24 hour refresh of our key incrementality KPIs, we believe that MetricWorks Polaris is an essential part of our measurement infrastructure that continues to yield valuable insights across our ad channels."

– Chris Kim, Associate Director, Performance Marketing,

Mobilityware Success Story

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