Measurement Explained Through Basketball

Measurement Explained Through Basketball

Measurement explained by Mike Thomas through a Golden State Warriors basketball analogy  – TL;DR: Last touch attribution ignores direct causation of factors that contribute to successful conversion. MMM offers a more complete understanding of all contributing...
Whitepaper: The Evolution Of Measurement

Whitepaper: The Evolution Of Measurement

Embracing Change We often get questions about how we built our unified measurement platform, Polaris. We thought that it would be helpful to share our thinking in this blog post. The mobile advertising industry has always been a dynamic one that has attracted...
MMP 2.0 Launch At MAU

MMP 2.0 Launch At MAU

Following our VentureBeat launch by Dean Takahashi of MMP 2.0 (Polaris), we got to launch Polaris at one of the best mobile industry shows, MAU Vegas on May 23rd! The reception was fantastic as mobile marketers are desperate for a measurement solution that closes the...
MMP 2.0 Is Here And You Can Start For Free

MMP 2.0 Is Here And You Can Start For Free

Thank you VentureBeat and Dean Takahashi for covering our launch of MMP 2.0 (Polaris) and how it closes the three value gaps (poor accuracy, lack of privacy-safety, and limited measurement scope) in last touch MMPs (MMP 1.0) to deliver superior performance. We are...
tvScientific partners with MetricWorks to boost ROI on CTV

tvScientific partners with MetricWorks to boost ROI on CTV

The cord-cutter revolution has seen over 128M+ US viewers transition to watching TV via streaming services, representing 63% of all US TV viewing time. Because CTVs are by definition connected to the internet, this astonishing shift in consumer behavior has created a...