The cord-cutter revolution has seen over 128M+ US viewers transition to watching TV via streaming services, representing 63% of all US TV viewing time. Because CTVs are by definition connected to the internet, this astonishing shift in consumer behavior has created a massive opportunity to democratize access to TV’s awesome power as an advertising medium, complete with self-serve capabilities and digital-like performance measurement. The tvScientific platform will play a major role in enabling millions of digital-first advertisers to participate in CTV advertising for the first time.
tvScientific has developed the most sophisticated CTV performance advertising platform, allowing businesses to prove out the power of TV advertising. The platform simplifies and automates CTV buying and optimization, leveraging massive data to prove the actual value of TV advertising.  “Value is proved with ROI and this is why measurement down to the granular level continues to be the center of conversations when it comes to CTV,†said Jason Fairchild, CEO and co-founder of tvScientific.
With this partnership, tvScientific continues to enhance marketers’ ability to accurately gauge campaign effectiveness through incrementality measurement. Now, with MetricWorks, tvScientific can give marketers vastly improved performance visibility to CTV. This is due to the fact that the performance is incremental rather than last touch. MetricWorks has quite a bit of data about how wrong last touch can be when comparing performance across various traffic types, including tvScientific’s platform. Our partnership now rectifies this last touch issue and leads to improved ROI/ROAS for marketers. “With the 108M streaming households market presence of CTV, digital marketers should be looking at CTV as another attractive performance channel in their daily marketing mix,†said Jason Fairchild, CEO and co-founder of tvScientific. “tvScientific’s partnership with MetricWorks will provide performance marketers with deep and comprehensive insight into campaign performance across platforms while proving that CTV has truly been undervalued due to limitations in last-touch attribution.â€
MetricWorks is the leading provider of MMM-based incrementality measurement which closes the gaps in last touch measurement. MetricWorks’ incrementality MMP, Polaris, in particular, is a turnkey, drop-in addition that doesn’t require any extra SDKs, device IDs or heavy migration lift. Â
With the significant market presence of CTVs, marketers should be looking at CTV as another attractive channel to boost their marketing ROI. This partnership between MetricWorks and tvScientific, makes it far easier than before for marketers to take full advantage of the CTV channel opportunity. You get the best of both worlds with tvScientific’s self-managed solution coupled with MetricWorks’ fully automated, granular, daily incrementality measurement outputs that are tactically engineered for successful daily marketing effectiveness.
MetricWorks’ incrementality MMP, Polaris automates every step from designing experiments and calculating ground truth to training econometric models and deriving incrementality results. Incrementality is delivered in the form of the KPIs you rely on today including ROAS so that your UA or marketing decision-making processes don’t need to change. Polaris is also designed to offer an easy, turnkey “MMP experience†so that you can get started in 24 hours. No IDFAs or GAIDs. No migrations, no extra SDKs, and no heavy implementation lift. Polaris integrates directly with your last touch MMP to provide a single repository for side-by-side comparisons of your last touch and incrementality data. “Today’s digital marketer needs to have a holistic understanding of how each platform is performing in a marketing mix and MetricWorks is tactically engineered for successful daily marketing effectiveness,†said Brian Krebs, CEO and co-founder at MetricWorks. “We’ve seen CTV significantly undervalued by last-touch across our customers, often because the bulk of its impact is felt higher in the funnel. The partnership with tvScientific will enable marketers to apply performance marketing strategies to advanced television and leverage media mix modeling to drive ROI on an undervalued channel.â€Â
The full press release is available here. If you are looking for an edge over your competitors that will elevate your marketing effectiveness, contact us today to see how easy it can be: