The Future Of Mobile UA Is Here!

March 2, 2020

Yes, the future of UA is here! We are MetricWorks and our mission is make it easy for mobile UA (user acquisition) teams to leverage automation and AI in order to realize their full potential.  The fruit of our labor arrives in the form of the UA Command Center, the leading mobile UA automation and LTV prediction engine.  This engine enables you to easily and simply scale your UA profitably across ALL ad networks, DSPs and Affiliates.

UA Command Center has been proven in the field across a number of types of mobile apps and is trusted by leaders such as Disruptor Beam, Trivago, GameInsight and Rogue Games.  For Disruptor Beam, we boosted their ROAS by 145% and their UA team’s productivity by 1000%.

To accelerate our mission and celebrate the field success that we are so grateful for, we are offering a special promotion: for only $250/month, you can start enjoying the powerful benefits of the UA Command Center today.  Sign up before May 1st, 2020 to take advantage of this offer and to take command of your UA!

Contact us if you have any questions.  We look forward to helping you boost your success.

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