Reduce Your UA Complexity With Automation

May 20, 2020
User Acquisition Automation & LTV Prediction For UA Optimization

Unfortunately, complexity is no stranger to mobile UA teams.  Every week, they have to contend with large data sets that have to be assembled from disparate sources to then sift and analyze the data and coordinate numerous campaigns that involve a broad mix of ad channels.  According to Adjust, “the average marketer runs 19 campaigns with 14 different networks“. Of course, this translates into the bulk of the marketer’s day being spent on data management.  

Through numerous client conversations, we have confirmed that data management and the avalanche of tedious, manual tasks are major pain points. Many are struggling with reducing their daily time spent on campaign management which is a collection of manual and often repetitive steps that seem to explode with campaign scaling.  These steps are ripe for automation and our clients witness that as early as the first 30 days of using our platform.  The added bonus is that these tasks can be executed in real-time based on live monitoring of the click stream by our platform.  So it never sleeps on the job!  This approach liberates the UA team to focus on the higher value aspects of mobile UA such as devising strategies, setting goals and creatively adapting to fresh changes in the market.

Another area that our clients find ripe for automation is the bid and budget optimization process. This is where our platform uses real-time performance monitoring to adjust bids, reallocate budgets from lower to higher performing ad channels and pause campaigns based on pre-defined automation rules and business goals.  Once again, all the manual tasks and repetitive checking across different dashboards and spreadsheets are eliminated to free up large blocks of time needed for the higher value tasks that are critical to successfully differentiating from your competitors.

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