Is SKAdNetwork Your Whole Post-IDFA Plan? Then Think Again.

November 11, 2020

If your plan for post-IDFA measurement is built solely on getting the most out of SKAdNetwork, then you are unfortunately going to be in serious trouble.  One of the leading mobile analysts, Peggy Anne Salz described our CEO, Brian Krebs as being “on a mission to measure”.  That is certainly true. In a recent Retention Masterclass interview (see below) Brian talks about devices going dark in terms of tracking from Day 1 of IDFA deprecation. The immediate impacts include retargeting, death of measurement in its current form, and the severely hampered SKAdNetwork becoming the de facto standard. In terms of marketing, your lights will go out!

Retention Masterclass By John Koetsier & Peggy Salz

What may seem to many to be a grim view of what is to come, is actually the motivation for creating MetricWorks’ top-down incrementality measurement solution.  Our solution which can co-exist with SKAdNetwork, offers a comprehensive, granular and accurate alternative that addresses the following glaring issues with SKAdNetwork:

  1. SKAdNetwork will leave marketers with only 100 campaign IDs of granularity
  2. It does NOT offer a way to cohort KPIs by install date
  3. Critical post-install performance KPIs that are foundational to your mobile growth strategy today like retention, revenue, LTV, and ROAS, will disappear and be replaced by a single conversion value with its own significant limitations.

Does your preparation plan address these gaps?  There is a lot at stake, time is running out and your competition is breathing down your neck.  Why not make sure your plan is foolproof?  Contact us today to close the gaps in your preparation plan. We’re so confident in our solution that we’ll let you test drive it for FREE.  You can watch the full Retention Masterclass interview with Peggy Anne Salz and John Koetsier below (courtesy of the Retention Masterclass).

Submit your questions below.  We look forward to answering them and making the future of your measurement brighter!

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